Thanks for writing about this, and good for you for working it out for you!! It’s such a loaded topic I wish we navigated better. Within the last couple of years I also became a noticeably smaller size (for a number of reasons). And I was constantly stunned at how much people *cared.* Like DAMN did they care. With every “wow, you look great” I wanted to shout back “no, I FEEEEL great! Ask me about that!” I understand the outside is what people see, but I so badly wanted 1) to defend the other versions of me who felt slighted by the compliment and 2) for people to understand vanity was a sliver of the whole thing. Ultimately I have to just remind myself that my truths and experiences are for me. Kudos for finding your way into something that feels good and right despite the noise. ❤️

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You are amazing.

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This is so relatable. Also low key shout out to your doctor— they sound lovely!

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I feel like you’re inside of my head. Thank you for this honesty and real talk. ❤️ you’re doing a great job being a human on this spinning planet— we luv u.

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Incredible post. I've been struggling with my own issues around my body and gender dysphoria in relation to past ED stuff. Thank you for sharing all of this information, it was so helpful. And I am so happy you are feeling good in your body again. It's all that matters <3

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Sincerely thrilled for you! Also, I feel like I could have written paragraphs of this post myself. I will always believe in HAES; that (alas) doesn’t mean *my* body feels healthy at every size. It’s such a tough and necessary reality to face. I’m still in the throes of my particular journey (and still waiting on a few tests to know what’s what); hearing how much better you already feel is a lovely and heartening thing.

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“aren’t you betraying yourself by staying in a place that doesn’t feel good?” People pleasers everywhere need to bookmark this quote!! ❤️

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Proud of you, friend!!

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Isnt it WILD to come around to a place where you can be free to talk about how certain things make you feel & function? And why have we never heard of ferritin til now? Mine was EIGHT. And i learned it from a clinical trial, not my dr!

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This post resonates with me so much (and I feel less weird about that message I sent you now). Thank you for sharing and giving me so much to think about. I am constantly finding myself stuck in black or white (all or nothing) thinking and this challenges me to think about the “yes and”. 💜

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OMG I love this post. I’ve been working so so hard to unlearn diet culture and eat intuitively but honestly that’s meant eating junk and gaining weight and making excuses. I applaud anyone its worked for, but for so many of us I think it’s been just another, maybe kinder but no less flawed bill of goods we’re being sold. There’s now a real fear I have around thinking about losing weight or being healthier, like I’m selling out, giving up on the movement, giving in to what’s expected… and that’s not much better than the fear of getting fat, is it?

Thanks for sharing this. It’s making me really think some deep thoughts about my own body and my own choices.

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Good on ya! The development of new classes of medications are changing people’s lives. I have seen it in my own patients and it brings a tear to my eye when I see them released from some of the chains that have bound them. Be proud of yourself for whatever decision you made. Hold your head high. You will never regret it. That I can promise you.

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Any follower who hates the choices you have made to feel better IN YOUR OWN BODY can eff all the way off. I’m so glad you are feeling stronger, mentally and physically. Existing in this world is hard enough.

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