Amy, I love so many things about this post! Hearing about your memoir (it sounds fantastic, and I know that specific feeling when you feel soclose yet so far away from the next step in your publishing journey). The glowing feedback from Courtney! Your cozy/moody/perfect-sounding fall trip to Scotland! Cheering you on hard that your book finds a champion and a home.

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I loved Martyr! so, so much. I am looking forward to more of your thoughts on it!

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I am also excited to become a paid subscriber, I think there are many paths to publication!

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I’m sorry life is handing you crap right now. I will be very excited to read all of your weird stories when you get that book deal. I’m 61. Even though it’s so hard, I’m really glad there are so many people in, and talking about, peri- and menopause. No one was doing that when my periods went crazy at 37. You all are making it easier for the young ones to understand their bodies and, hopefully, get better treatment when it’s their turn.

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I went on a whiskey tasting tour and ended up hiking Arthur’s Seat afterward…definitely do those things in reverse order! I also took a bus to the suburb (?) of Leith to walk on the beach and it felt very poetic to do so (also hi! fellow teacher in the -ber months now)

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sending love

AND this made my day:

A very dry privilege. ha ha xo

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1. I will pay you for your trauma stories! Excited to support your essays 🥰

2. I am so sorry about your MIL and the pain Amy is going through. Reach out if you need an ear — I have not been unscathed by Big Loss and I’ve become a guru in it in my old age! Let me carry your pain!

3. I’m … kinda bored with God of the Woods? I will finish it, I guess, but was really expecting more. Maybe that’s the problem.

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(I had to go back and reread my other points)

4. Is perimenopause the reason my skin looks like this????

5. Courtney’s feedback was incredible! Thank you for taking us along for the journey.

6. Hope you get out of the muck soon. If not, I’m yelling at you one more time to reach out if you need anything!

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sending you big gay love from Chicago. xo

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I can’t wait until you’re published! I want to read your memoir. These agents need to realize a lot of us readers are interested.

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Solidarity as a fellow easy-crier! It feels so embarrassing and not useful to cry in front of other people, but I unfortunately have no choice in the matter. I'm a leaky person and every emotion experienced in a high enough dose will bring me to tears. Thinking about you and your family and Big Things and maybe crying a little. <3

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