So much to relate to here, thank you for sharing so honestly. ❤️

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That Anne Lamont comment makes me feel…seen? Attacked?! (I kid). I recently had an exchange with my nephew, who was working on college applications. I was asking him about his essays and dropped a, “Well, if you need any help, don’t forget your auntie is a writer.” He said, “Oh, I didn’t really know that. What do you write?”

I felt stupid explaining that well, you know, I went to *school* for writing and I write a lot for work. And my mind is like “plus aaaaall those things you think about writing!” So, touché, my nephew, touché.

I have such a hard time separating writing from publishing and embracing it as a craft that is for me to practice with no expectations other than to enjoy it. But “being about it” seems like a simple place to start.

Thank you for sharing. I agree there is much power in sharing your experiences and it no doubt reaches further than you imagine ❤️

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This was really wonderful to read and is giving me so much to think about. I appreciate your vulnerable sharing and for what it’s worth— I’m always so inspired and impressed by what you do. You inspire me to want to do more (but like… a meaningful more… more of what I’ve been too afraid to start).

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Our trainer at my gym likes to call certain movements "simple yet effective." It seems simple but doing it on repeat proves effective and surprisingly challenging.

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“I’ve been waffling this year about whether or not I wanted to make resolutions this year. Historically, I’ve been public about my resolutions or bucket lists or the experiences I hope to have in a year. I typically think it’s fun and interesting to share and update and tally my progress. I love a gold star! This year, I didn’t have the same desire to write or share anything … But there’s something more there, too: an intuitive desire for self-protection, maybe?” Omg fuck me UP, Amy!!! This is so relatable!

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Thank you for sharing this -- I think it's sort of a common experience this year, for whatever reason. A desire to just keep things to oneself. I'm glad I'm not alone!

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Here for the doing! (Not here for people acknowledging when I "tried really hard" - might as well drag me out back and throw me in the stocks so the townspeople can have a laugh.)

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I love all of this so much. Going to try to adopt both of these mindsets myself this year!

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Loved your encouragement to writers at the end of your post this week -- a balm!

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I once looked up the definitions of simple and easy. The words are linked together a lot, but they mean wildly different things. I enjoy your writing and I’m looking forward to how your new focus plays out.

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They really do mean such different things! I hadn't considered it until I looked it up, either. Thank you, Annette!

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As a fellow try-er, one thing I’d like to note is that your *actual writing* reads the opposite. I know it doesn’t flow out of you effortlessly because I’m a writer myself and know that kind of thing only happens 2% of the time, but every single time I read a post from you, it reads effortless. ❤️

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This is so kind, especially from such a talented writer! Thank you, Ashlee.

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Your vulnerability is really powerful, especially in this essay where you're writing vulnerably about being vulnerable. I agree that it is excruciating to be perceived as trying, especially if the trying isn't immediately and only followed by succeeding. I hate for someone to tell me that they see me working hard at something; I perceive it as pity not admiration. BUT, I have to tell you: literally yesterday I was thinking about some of the essays you published last year in which you shared about the rejections and disappointments you were experiencing in you writing career. I think for me to tell you what your writing has actually meant for me in that regard would veer into para-social weirdness so I'll just tell you I think what you're doing is very powerful. You're not trying, you're doing. And also, keep letting us seeing you try because, despite what Yoda said, there is no do without try.

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This just made me cry. Thank you. Truly.

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I was the same kid on the soccer field except my mom was MY COACH. I paid so little attention I got hit in the face and had a black eye for school pictures. That was in kindergarten. 🫠 I still hate sports 😅 So much of your story resonates with me, and I appreciate you sharing with us.

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I am glad I’m not alone & also glad my parent wasn’t my coach! I would not deal well.

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