This is so interesting! I was just talking to someone yesterday about the allure of the perfect writing routine. I do think that consistency is key but I think most of us forget that consistency can take many, many different forms. Anyway, I'm glad it's working for you!! And I totally agree that working out/music blaring/someone telling you what to do is such a good time to brainstorm in a way that doesn't feel... loaded? Like you have to come up with something groundbreaking every time.
I'm a big fan of letting ideas "percolate." When I have a piece of writing I'm working on, I find that the moments of just gritted-teeth "butt in seat" force-of-will aren't the most productive unless they're preceded by hours and days of the ideas percolating in the background of everything else I'm doing. In fact, there's a very specific joy I feel in the way that I can escape into my writing ideas while going through daily life: standing in line somewhere, "Yes! Okay, now back to that line of thought." I've never done this but it makes me think about secretly pleasuring oneself in public, it's like a private world that no one else is aware exists. But alongside that, I think you need a healthy dose of discipline, consistency, and butt in seat time to create shitty first drafts that then can percolate and eventually become something good. It's like an alchemical mixture of inspiration, dedication, receptivity, creativity, and that unpredictably can generate something beautiful. It's the opposite of AI: unpredictable but highly personal and greater than the sum of its parts.
Anyway, all of that to say, I'm an advocate for the flexibility of following the creative process wherever the nudges of intuition and inspiration lead, while also having deadlines and accountability that keep me actually writing and producing.
I’m a Taurus too. I love routine and order but, strangely, don’t find it hard to change things up when they aren’t working. I’m glad you’re finding new ways to be who you are. May it always be so.
I oddly like to make decisions quickly when things aren't working unless it's something I'm convinced is "the right way." Thanks for your kind encouragement.
I don’t write every day and I really hate that it’s such common advice. Writing because I need to always serves me better and that takes some time to build up. Trusting yourself is a really good plan.
I so appreciate this, it can be too easy to let what writing "should" look like get in our way. I've been working on that myself and agree that movement is the best writer's aid. Here's to more self-trust in our writing and beyond!
This is so interesting! I was just talking to someone yesterday about the allure of the perfect writing routine. I do think that consistency is key but I think most of us forget that consistency can take many, many different forms. Anyway, I'm glad it's working for you!! And I totally agree that working out/music blaring/someone telling you what to do is such a good time to brainstorm in a way that doesn't feel... loaded? Like you have to come up with something groundbreaking every time.
Anyway, loved reading this!!
I'm a big fan of letting ideas "percolate." When I have a piece of writing I'm working on, I find that the moments of just gritted-teeth "butt in seat" force-of-will aren't the most productive unless they're preceded by hours and days of the ideas percolating in the background of everything else I'm doing. In fact, there's a very specific joy I feel in the way that I can escape into my writing ideas while going through daily life: standing in line somewhere, "Yes! Okay, now back to that line of thought." I've never done this but it makes me think about secretly pleasuring oneself in public, it's like a private world that no one else is aware exists. But alongside that, I think you need a healthy dose of discipline, consistency, and butt in seat time to create shitty first drafts that then can percolate and eventually become something good. It's like an alchemical mixture of inspiration, dedication, receptivity, creativity, and that unpredictably can generate something beautiful. It's the opposite of AI: unpredictable but highly personal and greater than the sum of its parts.
Anyway, all of that to say, I'm an advocate for the flexibility of following the creative process wherever the nudges of intuition and inspiration lead, while also having deadlines and accountability that keep me actually writing and producing.
Wow. This is beautiful and exactly it! Thank you! It is such a beautiful process.
I’m a Taurus too. I love routine and order but, strangely, don’t find it hard to change things up when they aren’t working. I’m glad you’re finding new ways to be who you are. May it always be so.
I oddly like to make decisions quickly when things aren't working unless it's something I'm convinced is "the right way." Thanks for your kind encouragement.
I don’t write every day and I really hate that it’s such common advice. Writing because I need to always serves me better and that takes some time to build up. Trusting yourself is a really good plan.
It does take some time to build up! I appreciate your kind words, friend!
I so appreciate this, it can be too easy to let what writing "should" look like get in our way. I've been working on that myself and agree that movement is the best writer's aid. Here's to more self-trust in our writing and beyond!
Exactly this! Writing and beyond.